Sunday, September 03, 2006

Flying to Abingdon

If you want to fly directly into Abingdon and don't have a private plane, well, yeah. Sorry. I think the word is "unlikely."

That said, you have a couple of real options. One, you can hit the Tri-Cities Regional airport. Tri-Cities in, however in Blountville, TN, around 25 miles from Abingdon. Thus you'll probably want to arrange a pick-up or rent a car. If you want to map it, well, the address is:

2525 Highway 75
Blountville, TN 37617

Both Knoxville and Roanoke have slightly larger airports. The cost-benefit ratio should be obvious. Flying into one of these larger airports might save you money on the ticket (substantial money, even) but you're going to have to deal with the two hours of driving involved in getting to Abingdon, and that probably means renting a car unless you have a definite ride from one of those two locales. If you're thinking about flying in somewhere further away (e.g. Washington, Richmond, Nashville, etc.) know that these are not nearby. That said, if you want to pick up some other regional culture, well heck, go for it. Oh, and drive a lot.


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